Nez welcomes you!+⋆〜(*^-^)v

Hi my name is Nez or Wisty!

He/They/It preferred, but all is fine
This site is a big OMORI shrine, no I don't support OMOCAT's actions
Sitemap is W.I.P

Help Hotlines | Trevor Project | About me

28/09/23: Been a while, hasn't it? I'm only making an update because of the recent Discord changes

If you're viewing this site on Neocities in the far future, you'll find most of the images are now broken. I can't fix or change this because the original files are deleted + I got locked out of the Discord I saved the files on. For a proper experience, please view it on!

NOTES FOR ARCHIVE.ORG VIEWERS: The site links will be broken. You'll need to change the url and search each link manually because the site uses "/page.html" format for links instead of "". I'm sorry, but I don't have the time or energy to change that. I'll archive as many pages as I can, but I'll probably forget some. To properly navigate this page and find the other links, please close the top menu on The CSS disables vertical scrolling for this page. I'm sorry again. Thank you for reading

08/03/23: New Year! No happy because I have bad news, that being I'm most likely abandoning this site :[. I'm no longer interested in OMORI (I still am but it's not my main interest anymore), the site's coding is less than good, and it'd be a pain to recode the entire thing. What'll most likely happen is that I'll leave this site up and move onto a new site. This site was fun to make, but I've grown out of it I guess. Thank you to everyone who even took the time to look through the site! I'll miss working on this sdakdhad

27/11/22: It's been a while! I wish I could say I'm working on something big, but to be honest I've just been busy with F2F classes + I've ran out of ideas.
I already created the webdev page, just haven't started working on it out of pure laziness haha

17/08/22: Officially launched the "Which of the main 6 in OMORI are you?" quiz! I may make more (thats why theres placeholder 'Quiz' in MARI's textbox) I may not, also I finally started working on treehouse, the OMORI rant still isn't done yet, yes there is more.
Tomorrow I plan to finally begin work on the About Me section, but I can't help but decide if I want to make it OMORI themed too or not!
Additional note, I may fix the styles and make an actual CSS for it since right now it's all just copy paste, probably not since I'm extremely lazy but hey that some food for thought, right?

15/08/2022:Look! Dreamworld sprite images that bounce! Might make a MARI poll if it works out :]

11/08/2022: Updated pets and finally figured out what to turn MUSIC into

10/08/22: Updated blackspace and rw, working on making an about webdev page! :]

21/06/22: Started working on /park.html!

07/06/22: After major bouts of code block, I have been working on actually creating REAL WORLD links.
I have decided REAL WORLD will probably be more personal, like BLACKSPACE but less tw-y nd more "LOOK AT THIS THING I LIKE A LOT!!!!"

20/05/22: Started working on MEWO and added more PETS

07/05/22: Cleaned up the site even more, working on replacing the other pages
If you see broken links, thats normal!

06/05/22: Cleaned home page up, deleted site updates
Overall, a productive day!!

26/04/22: I revamped index and updated a bunch more stuff! Woo motivation!

23/04/22: Made COMPUTER better, still a WIP!

22/04/22: Updated tons of things!

18/04/22: Updated procrastination tools to make it easier to read

24/03/22: Made log page!

16/03/22: Site was truly born

MARI thinks it's time for a quiz!

Which of the main 6 in OMORI are you?