This page is just a way for me to rant about stuff I like. This first part is just gonna be OMORI word vomit.
Obvious spoiler and tw warning but lets be honest here you read the start warning and probably don't care!

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OMORI is a great game, even if you haven't experienced killing your older sibling on accident because of an argument you can probably still relate to the characters.
OMOCAT while a pretty... let's just say shitty person, is admittedly a great writer. She wrote the characters in a way that makes them feel real, in a way that you could almost pretend that Faraway and Sunny and Mari and all that actually happened. You can imagine the grief Sunny, Kel, Aubrey, Basil, and Hero felt when Mari died.
And even with Basil, Aubrey, and Sunny's worse actions, you can still find a reason to why they did it. Why Sunny pushed Mari? He was in a state of mind where everything was way too much and before he could find a safe place to calm down, Mari stopped him on the stairs.
Why Basil helped cover up for Sunny? At the time, Sunny was probably Basil's closest friend (This can be seen through the real world album and photographs) and he was probably very unstable since he was very young (his parents weren't really in his life and he was raised by his grandma). He most likely has a fear of abandonment and people he loves leaving him, so when he realises his friend could be arrested he helps Sunny.
Why Aubrey pushed Basil into the lake? Same reason as Sunny! Too much going on and not being able to find a calm place in time!

Oh and Blackspace? Amazing. I don't consider OMORI a horror game, but I can def see why people do considering that Blackspace exists. Hellmari is especially horrifying.

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