Which of the main 6 in OMORI are you?

Created with the help of this tutorial!
1. Describe yourself with an option below

2. You're about to fight someone, what is your weapon?
Anything I can throw
Sword, obviously
Anything, as long as it's multipurpose
Any blunt object
My words
None, I'd rather just run and hide!

3. You lost! How do you cope?
I don't really know...
It depends on how badly I lost and how much I anticipated winning
I get really really angry and try to become stronger
I move on but it still hurts to think about
I hide myself away...
I get frustrated and sad but I'll pretend I'm fine

4. You go on a vacation to relax, where do you go?
Anywhere that has a sports festival!
A cookout! In a place with no spiders!
Tashirojima in Japan!
A forest or a place with lots of plants!
Just my home! Because I can only relax with my loved ones around
I don't care as long as my friends are with me!

5. For 1m dollars, you have to survive on a stranded island for 24 hours.
You can only bring 2 items, so you bring...
Water and food!
A weapon and a LifeStraw!
My trusty frying pan and a lighter!
A boat and a paddle!
A sleeping blanket and a sketchbook!
My shovel and a seed packet!

6. You did it! Now what do you spend your money on?
As much food as I can
I'd rather save my money, thanks
Moving out and getting a house
I would use it to buy a big cardboard box to sleep in
A really big place to hang out with my friends
Gifts for my friends and family

7 and the last question, how far would you go to help your closest friend?
Very very very far...
Far, but not enough to help them cover something serious up!
I would go very far but I'd stop being friends with them after
Far enough but not anymore than that
Just enough, and I'd also give them advice after too
I'll do anything for them!

MARI thanks you for taking the quiz!
